Tuesday 16 February 2016

Parent Letter - Term 1, 2016

15 February, 2016

Dear Parents & Caregivers,

My name is Anna Hedstrom (Miss H) and I am a full-time ESOL teacher at Parnell District School. I work with all year levels (Years 1-8) in Room 10. Your child will have opportunities to work with me for the next 6 weeks (for 45 minutes, 4-5 times per week). My focus is to help your child improve their English skills both in Oral language and Literacy.

Each week your child will bring home an ESOL notebook. This notebook will let you know what we are studying each week in ESOL class as well as the important vocabulary we will be learning. Please support your child by translating this information into the language spoken at home (known as your mother tongue). Research strongly suggests that a child can make greater progress when they can learn and understand concepts in their first language and then transfer that knowledge to a second language. Your help with this task will be greatly appreciated.

Also, as an extra way to support all ESOL students (both at school and at home), I have purchased a subscription to a very valuable literacy website. It has 3 ‘Learning Spaces’ therefore making it perfect for all year levels and a great way to get children more interested in books and reading. The information is as follows:

Username: parnellesol
Password: room10

Your child should also continue to read regularly books given to them by their classroom teacher as well as books chosen from our school library as well as other libraries.

Please feel free to keep in touch with us regarding your child’s progress in English. My email address is: annah@parnell.school.nz or please feel free to stop by Room 10.


Anna Hedstrom

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